
10 Poses for Family Photos*


After years of hi, hello, yo greetings across the interwebs, Sharon and I met for iced coffee and small chocolates on a blisteringly hot summer’s day.  She initially reached out with an email,

Hey! I think i want to do this. I mean I don’t and I want to die when I think about getting my photo taken. But I do want photos of my family being the normal us.

And I wrote back with,

This is the best, most honest inquiry ever.
We have to do this now. It is done.
And so a few weeks later we did. It was normal. And beautiful and real.  And you should do it too because we’re all having the same thoughts about waffling and also wanting needing to see ourselves in our own family.  I know I’m biased here, but family documentary sessions aren’t just easy & fun–they’re necessary. You won’t regret it. Pinky swear promise.
Two parents and young girl make breakfast in a light-filled kitchen on a summer's day. Family documentary.
I’ll let Sharon share the story she threw on Facebook with a handful of photos from our time together:

Like 100 years ago I was taking some Madison Magazine photos on the Westside and 2 different families had some really good family photos hanging up. Not the normal everyone is smiling at the camera photos and then I stalked that photographer on the internet and went on with my life. Cause that’s what people do. About 5-7 years later (the 100 years was an exaggeration. Sometimes 5-7 years feels like a 100 & sometimes it feels like 5-7) I got to hire her to take my family photos!!! I did it. family photos. and I don’t want to throw up when I look at the photos of me. and I like them. I quite like them a lot. photos by Jen Lucas Photography. Jen is a delight. Oxox

I love my family photos. They make my heart happy. And just like all the damn photographers say. I’m happy I’m in the photos. I’m happy I did it.

While I’m off to buy a prism for my own kitchen window, please enjoy:

*Huh, no mention of top 10 family poses whatsoever. When I asked Sharon for permission to share her words, she jokingly (brilliantly) suggested this title because photographers also have to keep in line with what the internet wants to show the world.  It’s challenging for docu photographers to get out there with SEO (search engine optimization) while remaining not gimmicky with marketing.   Sorry/not sorry to anyone who came here hoping for posing ideas.  This was totally tongue in cheek. May I suggest checking out my family documentary work instead? You get to show up just as yourself & it’s so damn beautiful.
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Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.