And so his story begins on a hot day in the city…..
From sweet Megan:
Breathtaking! If I had to use one word to describe my images. Jen did a storytelling session for us for our second baby. She came to the hospital the day after he was born and was so easy to be around. It felt so comfortable to have her there. She blended right in and we were able to go about enjoying our new little bundle. The day the book arrived in the mail I was so excited I ripped open the package and what I saw was breathtaking. The tears immediately started streaming down my face. These priceless beautiful photos took me right back to that day. Sure he’s only 6 months now, but that day seems like a lifetime ago. Those first few days, weeks, sometimes even months, can be so overwhelming and blurry and they go by so so quickly. When I opened the book I was taken right back to that day. This is not a book for me to look at, this is a way for me to feel that beautiful magical moment in my life over and over again. I can smell his sweet skin, hear his newborn cry, and feel his tiny little body on my chest. She also captured my 3 year old coming to visit. Seeing his brother for the first time, and seeing me for the first time in a couple of days. There are photos of me hugging him, him looking at his brother, and playing with the things in the room. Just being so wonderfully 3 years old and taking in this new life of his now as a big brother. This book is a book of me being a mother and becoming a mother for the second time. This, this is a gift. This is a gift every mother should have. Anyone can take a picture of a cute little baby with his bum in the air, or sleeping in a basket. But this is so much more. Jen gave us a time capsule, a moment in our life frozen in time, the real life. These are the moments I want to remember, the moments I will treasure. These are the beautiful moments in my life. I will look at this book every day of my life and I know when I am 80 years old, I will look at this book and I will still be able to feel my sweet, sweet baby’s warmth on my chest. Jen is exceptionally talented and I am in awe of what she has given to me and my family.
Expecting your own sweet bundle? Contact me today to schedule your Fresh 48 and/or at-home newborn session!
Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.
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