It is with such fond remembrance (for myself) that most email correspondence I get with moms of newborns happens at 3am. The world is so quiet then–dark, warm, insulating–just a time for mother & child to rock, soothe, nurse. Connect. It’s a small, significant chapter, and as the weeks….errrr, sometimes months….go on it may feel a bit like The Neverending Story, but it does indeed come to a close.
The weight of her body
the smell of her neck
the sound of her cry
the pace of your stride
the sway of your body
the shush of your voice
the temperature of the room in the middle of the night
the tick of the clock
the light of the moon
all belong to a newborn parent in a magnificent, all-emcompassing way.
Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber!
~Lord Byron, Childe Harold
Dad plays a tune for baby Alla and mom.As they head back to Texas soon, we really wanted to capture a Wisconsin Christmastime birth. The Capitol building all draped in evergreen wreaths and red bows helped establish this time and place, especially since we were in a rare year of no snow at this time.
Expecting a new little bundle yourself? Contact me today to schedule your beautiful newborn session!
xo, Jen
Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.