These special sessions occur at the location of your baby’s birth {home, birthing center, hospital} within the first 48 hours. This is session helps define that time and place that feels so utterly foggy, while also capturing the teeniest of details and hugeness of moments.
I will spend about an hour with you. I know sleep and bonding are paramount, so I assure you I will work quietly and then skedaddle on out of there. Like everything else I do, I shoot with a documentary approach. I firmly believe these are the types of images that will deeply resonate with us both immediately and as we move out decades from this moment. You can read more about my why documentary here.
Some of the things I look for include (great)grandparent and big brother or sister introductions, first feedings, tiny fingers & toes, sparse eyelashes, congratulatory flowers, swaddled little one, iconic hospital bracelets, blankets, bassinets, and hats.
I block off chunks of time ten days before and ten days after your due date to make sure I’m available during your baby’s first 48 hours here. Since Fresh 48 sessions require me to be on call, I accept a very limited number per month, but they’re my fav so please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Couple your Fresh 48 session with an at-home newborn documentary session!
xo, Jen
Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.
Read Jen’s Google reviews here.