

I’m in love with capturing natural images of children, families–nothing posey, just relaxed, genuine, and having fun.  Truth.

But what I love even more than that is storytelling through images.  Sessions like this will be centered around your everyday activity: weekend mornings in pajamas with pancakes & coffee & snuggles in bed; building a snowman or sledding & coming in for hot chocolate; the dinner & bedtime routine–homework on the table, soup on the stove, bowls with kiddie utensils, piles of books, brushing teeth with smashed toothpaste & strewn bathroom towels; making cookies together with broken eggs & flour & aprons & little fingers & oversized measuring cups & definitely bowl-licked faces; picnic and play in the park with your kite and sandwiches and feet in the sand and wind in your hair….I want the Realness of your life.

I want to capture the things that WILL fade away as your children grow up and out–low, tiny fingerprints on glass French doors & nose smudges on windows, entire toy boxes dumped & scattered on the floor, sippy cups in the sink, one sock in the hallway (tell me I’m not the only one!).

I want both the sweetness and the cacophony of what this busy, crazy, authentic life is like.  When the noise level reaches a fever pitch here, John and I try really, *really* hard to embrace it because it will be gone before we know it, and we’ll be stunned with the silence of an empty house, sitting at a dinner table much too large.  Nearly nine years into motherhood & it has only been within the last year I’m beginning to (fractionally) understand what all these wise mothers before me have been trying to tell me: it goes by in a blink.

While events and milestones have a lovely and important place in your memory, it is our Everyday that makes us who we are.   The art on your walls–whether from carefully chosen on a blazing hot day at Art Fair on the Square to preschool masterpieces–is a story.  The toys & books out on the kitchen floor that your child has chosen to drag from the depths of her room is a story.   The breakfast you choose to make that brings your family around the table is a story.  It’s all here and capturing every bit of it now will zoom you back to this moment in a decade or two or three.  I want the messes and the spills and the loudness and the stillness and the joy.  Unscripted. Beautiful. Real. Authentic.

And I’m going to put it all in a gorgeous hardback book.  Because this is book worthy.  Your life right now is book worthy.

Let me capture your story.