
Sunday Morning Pancakes

Goodness. Such goodness in these beautiful people, this welcoming home, this nourishing breakfast, this ordinary Sunday morning of pancakes and books and cuddles and music-making and walking and swinging and nursing and loving.  Honestly.

Veda’s joy radiates just looking at her attentive and kind parents, Lauren & Andrew. The cozy house insulates from a spring frost and hums with comforting weekend sounds: cheery chatter, murmuring coffee and cool batter hitting the griddle. Lauren reads classics while Andrew whisks milk to froth in the pancake mix. Both talk in soothing, gentle tones to Veda, to each other, to me all morning, and their loveliness fills the space.

Sunrise peeks behind a gray house. Man ladles pancake batter on griddle during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionMother reads to 6month old daughter on her lap. Baby girl looks at a book on her mother's lap7 month old girl starts to crawl during a Sunday morning pancakes photo session

Lauren & Andrew’s Pancakes

Makes 12 – 5″ cakes
1 1/2 cups sprouted grain pancake mix (Arrowhead Mills)
2 Tbs coconut oil
1 1/4 cups whole milk
Stir all ingredients until lumps disappear, add:
One diced banana
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup shredded coconut
Cook in coconut oil on preheated griddle or pan.

Man dips ladle in bowl of pancake batter for Sunday morning pancakesDad holds 7month old while flipping pancakes Madison Family Photography_0012Mom pours syrup on pancakes, Dad ladles pancakes in background 7month old girl smiles big on her mother's lap white dad makes Sunday morning pancakesMom kisses baby girl on the couch mom fixes bib before daughter eats breakfast; top down view of girl eating breakfast in high chair Sunday morning pancakes

Black and white. Family sits at breakfast table together Mom feeds baby, baby yawns. Sunday morning pancakesTop down view of high chair after breakfastLauren tests the water temperature for a warm, sunny sink bath.

mother tests water temperature in sink while holding baby daughter
Daughter smiles as mom undresses her for a sink bath Baby girl has sink bath while playing hide and seek with her parents Mom gives daughter a yellow rubber duck in the sink bath while dad holds herDad washes daughter's back in sink bathBaby girl chews on yellow duck in sink bath Dad holds up baby daughter from a sink bath while mom waits with a towel Black and white. Daugher in towel from sink bath chews on plastic duck Basket of rolled up blankets Mom holds baby walking down the stairs Andrew gives a morning concert to his most adoring fans. Dad plays guitar while baby girl and mom listen Baby gets close to dad playing guitar during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionspring foliage leaves a shadow on dad's back walking in backyard during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionFamily of three hugs in backyard. Spring!Baby girl touches green onion plants in the garden Both Dad and Mom kiss 7 month old daughter on the cheek at the same time while she rides in a swing Dad holds daughter on shoulders as he and mom approach a bright playground Baby 7 month old girl plays on a swing as parents engage with herDad lifts up 7 month old girl on a sunny day at the park Back view of family walking back home. Shadow of tree as a sun rises. Heading back home to a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionFamily walks into the house with the sun shining down in spring during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionDad reads book to daughter on his lapPortrait of 7 month old sitting on dad's lap, listening to a story during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionbaby girl sits on dad's lap while he reads a book during a Sunday morning pancakes photo session7 month old cries as her dad holds her and her mother changes her for a nap in a Sunday morning pancakes photo session

Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of her neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood – finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without. — Jodi Picoult

Mom rocks and nurses baby in nursery before a nap in a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionMom rocks and nurses baby in nursery before a nap during a Sunday morning pancakes photo sessionAnd sweet slumber.

Andrew wrote this about how they felt about their family photography session:

5 star review for Jen Lucas Photography

Jen Lucas gave us a photo album that was truly “us.” We hired her for a morning documentary-style session when our daughter was nine months old. It was so relaxed. She was personable and just wanted to find the moments that represent us as a family, and all we had to do was be ourselves. All along, it felt like she wanted to make sure we were happy with our experience, and we definitely are.

There are only 28 Sundays left this year.  How will you spend yours?

Find more family documentary sessions here! And read more reviews here!

xo, Jen

Beautifully Ordinary trademark

Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.