
Vacation Windows

Welcome to the September edition of our Storytellers Blog Circle! If you’re new here, our intention is to use our collective posts to give you, our beautiful and amazing readers, our storyteller point of view. We’ll provide a little background, and then tell you why we’re drawn to the image and pass on the technical details (ignore if that’s not your thing 🙂 ).

On the last week of summer vacation, we ventured to the sandy edge of Lake Superior. Without Wifi. We woke to frosty mornings, and as the day warmed we found ourselves hiking under evergreen canopies and skipping hundreds of smooth, flat rocks into the cerulean waters. Time at the lake house was spent digging on the beach or sinking into cozy reading pockets throughout the house. Despite the chilly temps, we opened windows to hear waves lapping the shore and covered our bodies with wool blankets.

My intention was to make a picture that would transport us back to vacation mode. Hot tea, warm blankets, open window, blue skies.

Boy reads book in lake house window

I used the window light and negative space to draw the eye to my dimpled reader. The book gives context to his activity. The curtain and dark blanket falling into the shadows offers an anchor and stops the eye from traveling.  24-70L @ 24mm, ISO 320, f/4.5, 1/160

While I love the composition more on the first image, this one brings me back to vacation. I used the window reflection to show the setting sun, tall evergreen trees, and infinity-esque lake. I also so love the red mug and blanket to complement the cool blues and golden light.  This one tells the better story for me.

24-70L @ 24mm, ISO 320, f/4.5, 1/160

Shoot me any questions you may have about my storytelling process!

In the meantime, please continue the circle to see Rebecca’s storytelling post HERE.

xo, Jen

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Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.