Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. ‘Be still,’ they say. ‘Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.’ – Linda Hogan
The time after birth is such a blur. Doctors and nurses come through the seemingly revolving door at all hours to check on mama, to take baby vitals, to ask questions, to listen and touch. There may be other visitors, there may be an insulating quiet time for just the three of you. Whether your room is filled to the brim with excited relatives or you soak in the silence & love of your new addition by yourselves, this time is always a blur.
I will never tire of baby yawns. Bring them all to me.
My guess is that she will own that furrowed little brow for all her days. How lucky to capture it on Day One.
After this sweet Fresh 48 session and our newborn at-home session later, Sarah shared some lovely thoughts with me.
Jen isn’t just a photographer, she’s an artist. She approaches each family and each session with open eyes and maybe more importantly, an open heart, and because of that she captures your real story — the whole big, imperfect, glorious, beautiful mess of it, and it’s priceless. I have never worked with anyone like Jen before, and I mean that in the best way. The photos she has taken of both my babies, and our family, are my most prized possessions. She has spoiled me for any other photographer, ever.
I love this family so ding dang much.
xo, Jen
Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.
Google reviews HERE.
More newborn work is HERE.
Here is their At-Home session.