
Madison Newborn Photographer | The Long Wait

Dad holds newborn handmom holds pacifier in baby's mouth newborn baby cries as mom reaches for pacifier parents change newborn's diaper Newborn cries on a bedNewborn cries as mom changes his clothes mom holds newborn and smiles Detail shot of baby's feet adn mom's hands and wedding ring Newborn cries as mom comes in wiht pacifier newborn stretches leg and cries Both parents work to soothe crying babyparents are in a hotel room with newborn babyMom holds newborn baby and gives him a bottle Mom holds newborn baby and gives him a bottle Mom burps newborn babyMom burps newborn babyMom holds newborn baby and gives him a bottle Mom burps newborn baby, baby has open eyes and eye contact with camera Mom burps newborn baby, baby has open eyes and eye contact with camera Mom burps newborn baby, baby has open eyes Baby cries and dad looks onMom's hands and tiny newborn leg details Mom engages wiht newborn eye contact Newborn cries on bed Both parents work to soothe crying newborn Mom soothes baby at hotel on Lake Mendota. Mom soothes baby at hotel room on Lake Mendota. Mom holds newborn babyNewborn baby sleeps in dad's arms Newborn baby sleeps in dad's arms Newborn baby sleeps in dad's arms. They are in a large hotel room on a lake. Newborn baby sleeps in dad's arms, a boat is on the lake below Newborn baby sleeps in dad's arms Newborn baby sleeps in mom's arms Newborn baby sleeps in mom's arms Newborn baby sleeps in mom's arms Parents are in hotel room on lake, holding newborn Detail of newborn hairSleeping newbornTwo parents help change newborn's clothes at the same timemom changes newborn clothesparents walk along path in the sun next to the lake parents smile at newborn on hte lake pier Mom holds pacifier in newborn's mouth parents smile as they walk forward with and fall leaves behind them xo, Jen

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Beautifully Ordinary is a trademark of Jen Lucas Photography, LLC.

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